- Log in to your cPanel
- Search MySQL Database or select MySQL Database from the database section.

It will take you to the MySQL Database dashboard, as below seen –

3. If you want to change your database name –
A. Click Rename

B. Write your database name in the New name section and click Proceed, as below seen,

4. If you want to delete your database –
A. Click Delete which database you wish to delete.

B. Click Delete Database

5. You can add a new MySQL User

6. You can add user to the Database
A. Select user from the User dropdown menu
B. Select Database from the Database dropdown menu

C. Click Add
7. You can change your Users password
A. Click Change password

Then it will take you to “Set MySQL User Password” dashboard
A. Set your new same password twice in the password and password(Again) section
B. Click Change password

Then it will show you a pop-up success message. Click ok, as below seen –

8. Also, you can Rename or delete Users. As we renamed or deleted Database
That’s all